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Tax Identification Number in Tanzania (TIN)

A Tax Identification Number in Tanzania (TIN) is simply a unique ten digit identification number issued to individuals or corporate bodies by reason of being resident in a country or carrying on business or even earning income in a country, to enable payment and remittance of applicable taxes to the government.

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The Tanzania Revenue Authority is the government agency in charge of managing the assessment, collection and accounting of all central government revenue. It is a semi-autonomous body that operates in conjunction with the Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs in Tanzania.

Tax Identification Number in Tanzania


Every individual resident in Tanzania, and/or a non-resident individual limited companies, partnerships, trust, carrying on business in Tanzania are required to register and obtain a Tax
Identification Number in Tanzania (TIN) as a legal requirement to further operate legally in the country.

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Who is a resident individual?

A person qualifies to be a resident in the United Republic of Tanzania where he:-

● Has a permanent home in the United Republic and is present in any part of the year of
● Is present in the United Republic during the year of income for a period or periods amounting
in aggregate to 183 days or more.
● Is present in the United Republic during the year of income and in each of the two preceding
years of income for periods averaging more than 122 days in each of such years of income.
● Is an employee or an official of the Government of the United Republic posted abroad during
the year of income


Application for Tax Identification Number in Tanzania may be processed physically at the tax office or online using the official website, however the applicant will still be required to visit the TRA offices for biometric scanning which involves taking photographs, fingerprints and signature. The process for individuals, companies, partnerships etc. are quite similar except for some additional documentary requirements were necessary. A sample application document can be found here. An online application can be made here.


An individual whether resident or nonresident is required to obtain a Tax Identification number which will serve as an identity for the purpose of tax assessment and payment. He is required to visit the Tanzania Revenue Authority regional or district office and obtain the TIN application form to apply for Taxpayer Identification Number or online via the official website.

An individual who is a business owner is able to apply and obtain a TIN either before or after registering its business name with the Business Registration and Licensing Authority (BRELA).
Individuals are to attach valid means of identification (such as Valid National Identity card, valid passport, valid driver’s license or legitimate voter’s identification card).

Limited Company

Corporations are required to get registered with the Business Registration and Licensing Authority (BRELA) before obtaining its Tax Identification Number (TIN) from the Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA). The Certificate of registration and the Memorandum of Association of the company are required to be attached to the TIN application. Other accompanying documents for processing the Tax Identification Number for a corporation are:


    1. Application letter to obtain a TIN for the company;

    1. Application for each shareholder/director, in case any director has already issued with TIN certificates for other purposes he/she cannot make another application. The same TIN
      number will be used;

    1. For non-citizen directors are required to fulfill all immigration procedures and obtain business permit from the Immigration Department working under the Ministry of Home Affairs.


Similar to the condition for companies, partners are also required to register with the Business Registration and Licensing Authority (BRELA) and acquire the certificate of registration which shows the number and names of partners with their respective distribution ratio. The partnership firm is required to submit a copy of its certificate upon processing the TIN. Each individual partner shall apply for TIN, in case any partner has already issued a TIN certificate for other purposes he/she cannot make another application, as the same TIN will be used.


A trust also has to register the firm with the Business Registration and Licensing Authority (BRELA) and acquire the certificate of registration which shows the names and addresses of trustees. Each trustee shall apply for TIN, in case any trustee has already been issued with a TIN certificate for other purposes he/she cannot make another application, as the same TIN will be used.


Once the application for Tax Identification Number is made and submitted, the applicant will wait for not more than one day for individuals and 2 days for companies, after which the certificate will be available or collected at the designated office.


A TIN number search can be done on the Tanzania Revenue Authority’s Website. Further Information and details can be found here.

Get Your TIN Number

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